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Got A Tip?


Beware of Leasing Agreements!


Here's a word of wisdom that I had to learn the hard way—there is no way, short of paying gazillions of dollars, of breaking a lease. I made this mistake when I bought my VW Jetta (I named her Bubbles after the Power Puff Girl) in 2002. After a year of working in a big city, I realized that I needed to move closer and Bubbles was becoming a nuisance. However, there was no way they were letting me out of my THREE YEAR LEASE (don't make that mistake either) so I had to find a lease-trading site. I luckily found a nice lawyer who took it off my hands and took care of the rest of the lease.

Don't make the same mistake I did—if you're leasing, really think about the possibility of needing to give it up before the term ends. Otherwise you might get stuck making $200 payments on a dust collector. 

Shared by LMAYO9 on 5/1/08