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Wendy Atterberry

Wendy Atterberry

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Amber Dotts

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It really does happen when you're not looking for it.


I'm the nerd who married the guy she dated in high school. Though i don't have a ton of dating experience, the one thing I learned was to stop really "looking" for it. You can't force it sometimes, you know? It's just meant to be. When i was younger, I remember feeling so desperate to be dating someone and I was completely unhappy. One day I decided to chill out and let things happen as they happen, and i met and fell in love with the man who is now my husband. We've been together for nearly 11 years, married for nearly one, and we're just as happy as when we met.

So that's my wisdom! Don't force it, and the powers that be/karma/god/theuniverse, or whatever you believe in, will bring you the right person.

Shared by LMAYO9 on 6/5/08

"Featured Today" surprisingly suggests an opposite approach :)

  • By barca1
  • on 8/23/08 4:30 PM EST

I agree! I decided to divorce after many years, just thought I'd do things with my child until he went to college. I really did not want to date-too old, too much trouble. My son and I pursue hobbies together, so when we went to a hobby meeting, I met someone with the same interests. We talked for an hour at the meeting, he said "call me". I declined, but he knew where I worked and called to ask me out. We clicked immediately, he's such a great role model for my son, and it's a year later! I don't know whether I would marry again; he's been married twice. It's true that when you're being yourself and not looking for it, it will come to you!

  • By Anonymous
  • on 7/25/08 2:26 PM EST

i used to be so desperate! I am still hungry for a mate , but i am learning to not to look for it - to let go and let God. I focus on my relationship with Him, my children, my job, my business, and etc. and other things. God is preparing me and him. when the time is right we will get/be together. in the meantime i am just enjoying my life and getting to like/love/know who i am in Him. Thanks for your comments.


I think that is my problem I worry about it and looking to hard. Therefor it depresses me. The thought of being alone foreever.