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Question:What do you consider the qualities of a dream job?

Can you identify what characteristics the job would have to qualify as a dream job for you?

Asked by springshine on 4/17/08 3 Answers»


I think that one of the most important qualities for a dream job for me would be avoiding customer service at all costs :) Of course, good benefits, a challenging work environment and dynamic and interesting work colleagues help as well...Being able to travel once in a while for work would complete the package

Answered by: tricia84 on 6/17/08


Well, springshine, the career of my dreams would have top notch pay, lots of excitement/challenges, world travel, some glamor and be based in France. I don't ask for much:)

Answered by: OliviaShaw on 6/11/08


My idea of a dream job would be one that doesn't have me answering the phone-putting out fires for dissatisfied customers. Nor would it be a job where you have a manager constantly hovering over you demanding you make the sale. It would be a job like directing commercials for TV. I've heard those people make a killing when it comes to money! But, as the saying goes, money doesn't guarantee happiness, however, it's just the idea that I could make quite a bit of money to pay off debts and loans. Mainly, what I want at this point in my life is to be debt-free and have the resources to dedicate solely to writing.

Answered by: kuroamurai on 5/27/08
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