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Peter Walsh

Peter Walsh

Design professional and star of TLC's Clean Sweep

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Meryl Starr

Organizing expert, author and personal consultant

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Debbie Stanley

Author and owner of Red Letter Day, a professional organizing...

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Change Nation: Julie Morgenstern (10/23/08)

Julie Morgenstern on Getting Organized

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Did you know that every year, Americans spend 9 million hours looking for something they’ve misplaced? That’s a lot of lost time!

If you’re feeling defeated by your attempts to get organized, Julie Morgenstern can help. She’s an organizing expert author of When Organizing Isn’t Enough: SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life.

On this episode of Change Nation, Julie explains what the S.H.E.D. process is and how you can get organized quickly and easily!

For more information on Julie Morgenstern, visit www.juliemorgenstern.com.


I really enjoyed this podcast. I love that Julie focused on the different types of clutter -- it's not just the tangible physical items, it's the mental clutter, too, that keeps us from moving forward. I was also glad to hear how much she connected that clutter is more about symbolism -- why are we holding on to things? What do they represent to us? I hadn't thought of it like that. She's definitely got me excited to start my own SHEDing process, which I'll write about on my blog: Link


I couldn't agree more with the part about how just the process of creating a new change in your life can open up space for (...and attract) new experiences or relationships. Its really quite bizarre.

After waiting 6 months to move into my dream apartment, about a week before the move-in date, I found myself de-cluttering in a major way ( I was going from a one bedroom to a studio). And it felt great to be excited about and focused on something that was helping me feel better. I was in this zone when suddenly and unexpectedly found myself with one, then two and then three new date options! And believe me, no one had been on my radar for quite some time...

I think the energy you exude when your on the eve of a change you want to make attracts all kinds of positivity. All the more reason to forge ahead!


I recognize in myself that overwhelming feeling--the high anxiety that just thinking about the clutter creates. I am overwhelmed, depressed and a lot of the time paralyzed--and my only desire is to escape that feeling. And it does rent space in my head. Here goes. Moving forward.


This was a great interview/podcast. Easy summary of the process to get my head around. I have requested your book from my library and am heading home to declutter tonight! Yay! Very inspiring.
New Zealand

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