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Ron Dembo

Ron Dembo

Professor, author and founder of Zerofootprint.net

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Josh Dorfman

Josh Dorfman

Author and radio show host known as The Lazy Environmentalist...

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Jennifer Hattam

Journalist and blogger at The Green Life

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Top 5 Things to Do

If you read nothing else, use these five tips to get you where you need to be at the end of your first 30 days of going green. From looking at your own lifestyle to blocking out changes on a calendar, these tips and tricks are designed to inspire new ways of thinking about green living. And don’t forget to have fun along the way!

1. Start with you.

Examine your interests; if you’re a foodie, examine your diet and shopping habits and see how you can add organic and locally grown foods to your menu. If you’re buying or building a new home, research green building options and upgrades and make choices that fit your budget.

2. Make it easy.

Break your larger vision of “going green” into smaller, do-able goals. If you’d like to garden organically, calendar specific goals to hit throughout the season, from adopting new weed and pest elimination practices to trying organic fertilizers. By breaking things down from week to week and month to month, going green won’t feel as daunting.

3. Pace yourself.

Don’t expect to transform your entire existence overnight. One step at a time, one day at a time will create momentum. For instance, consider swapping one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent bulb each week. Buy products in bulk to reduce packaging used on individual products. Carpool or ride your bike to work one day a week. Before you know it, you’ll be living your dream of adopting a green lifestyle.

4. Step up your recycling efforts.

If you’re not already recycling food and paper waste, this is the perfect opportunity to do so. In addition to typical curbside recycling, consider donating unwanted clothes, furniture and electronic equipment to local charities instead of adding to already overburdened landfills. Organizing a community garage sale or swap meet is another great way to get into the recycling spirit.

5. Eat locally.

Challenge yourself to eat as many locally grown or produced foods or food products as possible during these first 30 days. Research area farmers’ markets, co-ops and whole foods grocers and incorporate their items into your weekly shopping list.

Posted: 10/3/07

The eating locally is going to be easier to do with the cost of gas. Also with the coming of summer I will be able to shop the local farmer's markets and reape the benefits of my Aerogarden


Thank you for the encouragement. One of my 4 resolutions for the year is to become more 'green.' So far, I have changed the light bulbs in every place I can, and am more conscientious about recycling. Thanks.

  • By nana202
  • on 4/7/08 11:04 AM EST