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Question:What's your favorite book about spiritual living?

Asked by Changeling on 5/22/08 10 Answers»


I love "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life : Living the Wisdom of the Tao" by Wayne Dyer. It is easy to understand and regardless of your religious beliefs, offers wonderful insights and guidance for a more peaceful existance.

Answered by: newmeby09 on 12/9/08


2 books I recommend for a deeper,yet simpler,life are THE JESUS STYLE by Gaye Erwin and THE PRAYER OF JABEZ by Bruce Wilkinson. No flluff, just strong biblical teaching! ENJOY!!

Answered by: bigboy21 on 7/5/08


It is a book called "God's calling." it is a small book. it is written from a woman to her friend. taking notes as the Holy spirit fills her and tells her what to write. This book was a direct calling to me from God and I cannot find it anywhere. I know it was an old book that changed my life forever. God called me...Does anyone know of this book? I am sorry I cannot remember the author or anything as it was brought in to where I was from someone to let me just read it. God bless you all...he is calling too!

Answered by: alleycat4012 on 7/4/08


Stephen Mitchell's interpretation of the Tao Te Ching always gets me back on track when my life feels out of balance.

Answered by: writereditor on 7/2/08


Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, hands down transforming - gonna read it again I think

Answered by: fallenvertigo on 7/1/08


Traveling Mercies is fantastic—any of Lamott's books are great.
I always go back to C.S. Lewis' "The Four Loves." A great reminder of how our hearts are called to love, and how we can rightly order love to put ourselves in line with God's will.

Answered by: kristen on 7/1/08


_When Things Fall Apart_ by Pema Chodron. Close second: _Traveling Mercies_ by Anne Lammott. Both are excellent, accessible, and very honest.

Answered by: Anonymous on 6/22/08
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