"I wish I had enough words to express what your book has done for me. Thank you over and over. It's like a guidebook to life. When I don't remember how to navigate, or even that I can, it reminds me. What a precious gift."-Deborah
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Katie Danziger

Mompreneur of nomiebaby.com

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Gerald Levin

Presiding director of Moonview Sanctuary and former CEO of...

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Gary King

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Secrets to Making Change Easier

2. The Change Guarantee™: From This Situation, Something Good Will Come

Even though it’s hard to imagine while you’re in the middle of a change, the transition you’re going through is opening up your life and leading you toward a brighter future. Every change will eventually bring something good into your life: This is the Change Guarantee. It may not be how, what or when they expect, but those who navigate change successfully know that it always brings a gift into their lives.

Maybe you’ve been fired and unemployed for months; it’s likely that a new, rewarding career is on your horizon. Maybe you’ve divorced and believe that you’ll never fall in love again; it’s possible that the best relationship of your life is right around the corner. Perhaps you’ve had a heart attack; by permanently changing the way you eat and exercise, you’re in for the best years of your life. Your current change is already working to lead you to a brighter future.

3. The Change Muscle™: You’re Stronger than You Think

Those who successfully move through change know they’re resilient, strong and capable of getting through anything. There’s something within every human being that supports us and keeps us alive and moving forward: We’re born with a will to survive, a will to heal and a will to be happier and feel good again. Your Change Muscle is the strength that’s created from all of the changes that you’ve been through—the big changes, small changes, unexpected changes and the changes you, yourself, have initiated.

Change gets easier the more we live through it. Our brains and bodies tend to remember the last time we experienced change—recalling that it didn’t kill us. When we take the time to look back, we remember that something positive eventually came from it, as well. Reinforce the strength of your Change Muscle by creating a Change Resume™, a private document that lists all of the changes that you’ve already lived through. Include changes big and small—from switching schools or moving to a new city to surviving a serious accident or getting divorced. Every change, both positive and challenging, will strengthen your Change Muscle and help you get through the change you’re experiencing today—and the changes you will certainly face in the future.

Posted: 12/17/07

How I Got My Ex Husband Back...........

I am Shannon by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address Makospelltemple@gmail.com , have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 2 days that i will have my husband back. I believed him and today I am glad to let you all know that this spell caster has the power to bring lovers back. because I am now happy with my husband. Thanks for Dr.Mako. His email: Makospelltemple@gmail.com OR.His WhatsApp Number: +27840213744


If you can do so and have the ability to spend the time with the animal, I strongly recommend going to your local pound or animal rescue and giving a pet a home. I did this after massive change, addiction and depression. I was on, medical leave from a position as a scientist to deal with a massive vicodin addiction. I was asked to go home during yet another withdrawal session mid FDA audit. It was clear to colleagues I was spiraling for months and no one wanted me talking to FDA.. I was paranoid, antisocial and erratic in my behavior. I was exposed as not just eccentric smart educated person..but a waste of brains, looks (did some modeling) and education. Didn't even wash or comb my hair anymore and I was officially deemed a suicide risk by my doctor.
Always an animal lover I made sure I could care for one properly first...even in this state neglecting an animal is not an option..EVER.. I brought this Maine coon home..then another. Being responsible for these gifts from God and the nonjudging companionship helped me heal in ways I can explain and all my therapy, science and medication helped but these animals were what made me feel "never alone".. I would consider a pet and if you already have one...realizing you have a gift during your change right in your midst.


Does anyone know where I can find deep technical information about smart cards?. I'm doing a report for the company I'm working for.

PLR articles PLR ebooks


#5 is such an important step. Resistance has been a big enemy of my ability to acctpe changes readily, most of the time.


The biggest change I have ever made was emigrating from England to America and the first 3 months were very hard, I had extreme moments of elation and depression. I think friends and family are the best resource for making change easier. If you can work on your social skills then change can be easy! Just build that safety net of supporters and you can achieve your dreams :)


This is awesome! Thanks for the Post!


hi,my name is sandra,and you couldn't be that article about change i'll read this everyday,because that is exactly what i needed,i'm into the changeing business and with god by my side[and i know he is] my change is going to come,2009 the lord is going to change me in so many ways,so i want to thank you for that article may god bless you and keep you AMEN

  • By kisslin
  • on 12/21/08 8:10 AM EST

Hi. iam Shirley N. I Im having a problem, of leeting go of the PAST! it has made me SUFFER 4life! Im a victum of aBAD CRIME! How do i let this go and move on without FEAR! by my side?? I DO PRAY! AND I HAVE BEEN IN JESUS CHRIST ARMS FOE REAL>> Ive been over THEE OTHER SIDE" how PEACEFUL IT IS>.. I live alone, and have been alone for 19yrs. Never Married. im 44yrs old. I need CHANGE in my life. He will Deliver me from FEAR! soon. I need a loyal friend is it u? Shirley S


I just lost my husband in an industrial accident at his job. (On our wedding Anniversary). He was crushed to death. The best advice I've been given so faris, Write a letter to him., Turn the paper over and write a letter to YOU from your deceased friend,loved one,spouse. It'll brin
g ALOT of HEALING tears. you don't have to burn it. Actually It will probably help you to keep it so you can look back on it when your having a very sad day. God love all of you. Christyb62


Hi, Espresso

I know what you mean. We talk about this a lot. How can losing a loved one be a good change?

I think it's in the way you look at it. When someone has been in pain or suffering I try to view their passing as a blessing and reason why they had to be taken from us ... what lesson I am to learn or how can I continue their legacy and honor their memory.

When I'm at a wake or a funeral I'm often struck by someone holding an infant ... knowing they brought the baby because they had to (no one to take care of the baby while they paid their respects) but seeing it as an acknowledgment of the cycle of life.

My best friend died of breast cancer when she was only 30 -- she hadn't even begun to live -- and I still haven't figured that one out yet, only I hope somehow her loss taught us all a lesson and I know her memory never fades for me.


I love this site, but would appreciate some acknowledgement that not all change brings "great things around the corner," such as my friend who is in chemo for leukemia and will need a bone marrow transplant (no matching donors yet) or my other friend who died of ovarian cancer a few years ago.
Sometimes bad stuff just happens. If there is a better way to think about this, please let me know!



Need to change my account on Site emails being sent to me.

Thank you


I have already started this. WOrks great. Even have ny daughter working on it.


wow- this made me really think. I liked the part about replacing victim vocabulary with empowering words.

  • By kelijy
  • on 4/29/08 1:25 PM EST