Absolute Beginner's Guide to iPod and iTunes
By Brad Miser
Conveniently split into three sections (iPod, iTunes and the iTunes Store), this book gives you great basic information for both the PC and Mac formats in an easy-to-understand presentation.
Posted: 12/18/2007 10:14 AM EST
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CNET Do-It-Yourself iPod Projects
By Guy Hart-Davis
Are you project-driven? If you need a little structure in learning your iPod and iTunes, your search has ended. Hart-Davies teams up with Cnet.com to create this iPod “workbook” filled with step-by-step projects backed up by tons of screenshots and photos. This book’s a must-have for the organized and budding iTechie.
Posted: 12/18/2007 10:10 AM EST
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Cult of iPod
By Leander Kahney
Kahney adds a bit of humor and history to the growing iPod library with his look at how all this portable music madness came about. Not a guide or manual by any means, but certainly great reading while you discover your own iPod-iness.
Posted: 12/18/2007 10:12 AM EST
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Easy iPod and iTunes
By Shelly Brisbin
A beginner’s dream, Brisbin walks, doesn’t run, through the basics of iPod and iTunes usage and provides plenty of visuals to help you along. This book is a solid start for your library if you’re new to this technology.
Posted: 12/18/2007 10:08 AM EST
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How to Do Everything with Your iPod & iTunes
By Guy Hart-Davis
Recently updated into it’s fourth incarnation, Hart-Davis brings tons of info to your table in this book, sharing secrets on how to utilize iTunes to create portable videos, sync libraries to several different iPods from the same computer, and even how to replace a dead iPod battery.
Posted: 12/18/2007 10:10 AM EST
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iPod & iTunes For Dummies
By Tony Bove and Cheryl Rhodes
Written with the same tongue-in-cheek wit we’ve come to expect from all the “for Dummies” books, Bove and Rhodes guide you quickly through the fundamentals of iPod and iTunes without getting bogged down in the technical fluff that so often bogs you down when you read technology manuals.
Posted: 12/18/2007 10:08 AM EST
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iPod & iTunes Garage
By Kirk McElhearn
Accessories, troubleshooting, games, playlists: McElhearn covers them for you with humor and insight driven towards the iTentative. If you need to get through learning a new technology with a few laughs, this is your book to cherish.
Posted: 12/18/2007 10:13 AM EST
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