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The First 30 Days Your Guide to Any Change (and Loving Your Life More)

Going through a change? Start here with this book from the founder of First30Days.com

Today Show appearance — May 8
Redbook — May issue & ongoing monthly column
Health Magazine– LifeBalance Expert

This year alone, many of us will fall in love, get in shape, and start new companies, while some of us will lose a job, deal with health complications, or get divorced. Although we often try to ignore change, whether good or bad, it is the one constant in life. Now, with THE FIRST 30 DAYS: Your Guide to Any Change (and Loving Your Life More), by Ariane de Bonvoisin (HarperOne; May 2008; $24.95; hardcover) we can embrace change, learn how to move through it, and successfully navigate the twists and turns of life.

THE FIRST 30 DAYS reveals how the beginning of any change is a pivotal time that can either leave us stressed and stuck or lead us forward in our lives with clarity and hope. Change coach Ariane de Bonvoisin provides the tools to make this change a new beginning, whether it is a change you want to make or a situation out of your control. Ariane introduces nine principles that will help you develop an optimistic mindset towards change, an attitude that encourages you to see that life is on your side and that good can come from even the most difficult circumstance. With real life stories, practical exercises, and inspiring action points, THE FIRST 30 DAYS teaches the skills to face any change; skills that will help you today— and for the rest of your life.


Ariane de Bonvoisin is the CEO and founder of First30Days.com, a website to help people transition through any change, whether it’s a health diagnosis, going green, moving to a new city, or getting married. With a degree in economics and international relations from the London School of Economics, she joined The Boston Consulting Group and worked in over a dozen countries in a few years. After an MBA at Stanford, she moved back to New York, working with media giants BMG and Sony Music. In 2000, Ariane was tapped by Time Warner to become the Managing Director of a new digital media venture fund. First30Days.com became her life’s work in 2004. Ariane is based in New York City where the company is also headquartered.

Ariane de Bonvoisin is available
for interview in the following cities:

May 6 & 7 (and ongoing) New York
May 14 Chicago
May 15 Denver
May 16 — 19 San Francisco
May 21 Los Angeles
May 28 Philadelphia
May 29 Washington, D.C.

Your Guide to Any Change (And Loving Your Life More)
By Ariane de Bonvoisin
HarperOne, An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers
May 6,2008 | $24.95 | hardcover | 9780061472831