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Jonathan Pond

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AARP is a nonprofit membership organization of persons 50 and older dedicated to addressing their needs and interests. They offer tips for financial planning for people of all ages. If you fit the age group, you may find some interesting articles here.
Posted: 12/18/2007 06:34 PM EST more »


“Consider Long-term Care Insurance as Part of Retirement Planning,” by Michelle Singletary

“A number of surveys show that many people are unprepared for the cost of a prolonged illness, especially in their senior years.”
Posted: 12/18/2007 07:33 PM EST more »


“Getting Started with Your Retirement Planning,” by Jenny McKinney

"Planning for your retirement is much more complicated than opening an IRA, contributing to a 401k, or belonging to a pension plan where you work. While these are excellent beginnings, you must plan for how you will finance the years you will be away from the workforce. Since this could be 30 or more years, you should put some real effort into this plan.”
Posted: 12/18/2007 07:32 PM EST more »


“How Much Money Do You Need to Retire?,” by Jan Cullinane and Cathy Fitzgerald

 “IThe real answer to ‘How much do you need?’ is that you can’t rely on anyone’s rule of thumb – you need to make your own judgments after considering your own retirement plan.”
Posted: 12/18/2007 07:26 PM EST more »


“Save Now, Save Later, but Save Something for Retirement” by Conrad de Aenlle

“It is possible to make 50 trips around the sun and still go nowhere toward planning for retirement. Seems hard to believe, but it happens all the time.”
Posted: 12/18/2007 07:27 PM EST more »


“The Baby Boomer's Guide To Social Security” by Glenn Ruffenach

“Starting in January, the first of an estimated 78 million baby boomers turn 62 years old and become eligible for Social Security. Time to reach for the aspirin.”
Posted: 12/18/2007 07:32 PM EST more »


“The Other Half of Retirement Planning—How Much Will You Spend?” by Linda Stern

“The trillion-dollar floodgates haven’t opened yet, but soon 76 million baby boomers will want their money back from the retirement accounts they so carefully fed. They’ll have many questions: What are the mechanics for making that money last? How can they live on it for 25 or 30 years and still leave something to the kids? How can they manage the interplay of taxes, retirement accounts, Social Security benefits, and housing decisions to make the most of their cash?”
Posted: 12/18/2007 07:35 PM EST more »