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Tips from Brad Pitt's Trainer

Tips from Brad Pitt's Trainer

Egg nog, honey-glazed ham, cocktails and chocolate. Who doesn't love the holidays? The answer is probably you if you're trying to stay healthy or lose weight through this season of calorie bombs.

Don't fret! We have 8 tips from celebrity trainer Greg Joujon-Roche to get you through those 8 crazy nights of Hannukah, or 8 maids-a-milking, whatever those are.

1. Set realistic goals for your holiday exercise but commit to the new plan.
Joujon-Roche says that motivation and time are what we lack during the holidays, so adjust for that and do what you can. A  little commitment to yourself will go a long way.

2. Start a new, active family tradition.
Instead of gorging on a holiday dinner and taking a nap, Joujon-Roche suggests you share an after-dinner walk or a holiday hike. The holidays are about spending time with loved ones, but that doesn't mean you can't be creative and active.

3. Start each meal with a bit of protein.
"This stabilizes your blood sugar, which helps in the digestion and absorbtion of fatty foods," Joujon-Roche says.

4. Make the best out of every situation, no matter what.
If you're attending your ninth holiday party in a week and you feel like you're going to explode if you eat another cream puff, take a step back. Be smart, be sensible and stay in control. Go back to your good eating habits and make healthier choices. Move away from the cheese balls and move closer to the veggie spread.

5. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day.
"This is so simple and such an effect way to dilute and cleanse the body of empty calories, sugars and salt," Joujon-Roche says. If you're having trouble drinking that much water, start by adding a glass or two a day until you get used to it.

6. Try to cut down or eliminate white sugar.
This one simple step will not only save your figure but will save your immunity and keep you healthy during the holiday season. Again, if you can't go cold turkey, start with small steps, like avoiding sugar in your coffee, and gradually remove it from your diet.

7. Don't let others pull you off your program.
It can be really hard to stay on a diet during the holidays, but if you are truly committing to a healthy lifestyle, you have to stick to your guns. "Stay true to your plan and be true to yourself," Joujon-Roche says. "Respect the values you set. Nothing is more confirming or empowering."

8. Go green for a day.
Green foods, that is! From juices to salads, from soups to veggies, go all green one day this month and give your body a boost of the nutrients it needs. "Go for this mini one day cleanse to help alkalize your body, recalibrate your blood and control your sugar cravings," he says.

For more tips, check out Greg Joujon-Roche's interview on Change Nation, the First30Days.com podcast show.

Posted: 12/12/08

his tips make so much sense. i love the idea of a green day ... i am going to try that.


I understand about running to the bathroom. I keep a water bottle on my desk at work all day and the girls in my office laugh at me when I rush away from my desk. You get used to it :)


I have gone all green for one day and it really did help to regulate my body. I felt more energized the next day and my skin had a bit of an extra glow. I juiced a vegetable and fruit drink in the morning, and ate salads and fresh veggies for the rest of the day. It was totally worth it!

White sugar is also a HUGE one ... I have cut back more recently and noticed a major difference in how I feel, especially, in the frequency of my usually prominent migraine headaches.

Great tips!


My biggest downfall is not drinking enough water, and I know I really need to, considering I drink a couple cups of coffee a day. As stupid as it is, the main reason I'm not that great about drinking lots of water through the day is that I feel as if I'm running to the bathroom every 10 minutes when I do!


such great ideas!