"My sister recommended your site and I love it! What a great way to start my day and I always share inspiring tips with my co-workers! Thank you for the inspiration." -Marie
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Our Adopting a Pet Experts

Diana L. Guerrero

Diana L. Guerrero

Animal behaviorist and author of Blessing of the Animals...

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Dr. Robyn Jaynes

Dr. Robyn Jaynes

Pet care expert for PetSmart

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Warren Eckstein

Warren Eckstein

Pet trainer and author of Pet Aerobics

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Adopting a Pet

Animal Attraction

If you’re thinking of adopting a pet or if you’ve just brought your new family member home, you’re not alone: Pet ownership in America has been increasing every year, from 51 million households in 1988 to 64 million in 2002 to 71.1 million in 2007. Maybe you’ve even pictured your new pet in your mind a thousand times—a cute, furry creature bounding to the door to greet you after a hard day’s work.

Puppy love and kitten kisses aside, adopting a pet is similar to bringing home a new baby. “You’re now responsible for another living... Read more of "Animal Attraction"»

30 Tips for 30 Days

Our very best advice for you!

One Wild Time!

One Wild Time!

Adopting a pet may seem like big change, but it’s easy when you’re given the right tools… and it’s very rewarding.

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

A Pet's Passing

A Pet's Passing

The Bush family loses their beloved cat.

So Long, Fluffy

So Long, Fluffy

Pets are the latest economic casualty.
