"You are already a success by your commitment to making lives better." -Daryl
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Our Getting Organized Experts

Peter Walsh

Peter Walsh

Design professional and star of TLC's Clean Sweep

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Meryl Starr

Meryl Starr

Organizing expert, author and personal consultant

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Debbie Stanley

Debbie Stanley

Author and owner of Red Letter Day, a professional organizing...

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Getting Organized

Ideas for a Simple, Clutter-Free Life


It’s 7:42 as you get in the car. You can still make your 8:00 meeting if— where are those keys? You dash back inside; rummage through the upstairs, downstairs—no keys. Stumbling across toys, magazines and shoes, you collapse on the family room couch. 7:54—you’re late. Now you’ll have to call work.

Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Americans are finding themselves drowning in clutter. According to Agency Sales magazine, about 80% of what people have never gets used. And at what cost? Lost time. Not just... Read more of "Ideas for a Simple, Clutter-Free Life"»

30 Tips for 30 Days

Our very best advice for you!

Get Into the (Organizing) Groove

Get Into the (Organizing) Groove

Americans spend 9 million hours every year looking for something they've misplaced.

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

A Yen for Zen

A Yen for Zen

Some people don’t find their Zen in unusual places.

New Year, New Beginnings

New Year, New Beginnings...

Time to think about making positive changes to get organized...
