Windows Vista
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This Vista Upgrade Won't Hurt
As you browse the internet, you’re bombarded with media images of the latest and greatest gadgets and gizmos—better, faster and more full-featured than ever before. But while you can’t jump on every bandwagon, if you use a computer, you’re probably wondering if Microsoft’s latest operating system, Windows Vista, should be next on your shopping list.
According to Reuters, by the end of September 2007, Microsoft had sold 88 million Vista licenses, and by July 2008 all new Windows-based computers will have the Windows Vista operating system. But what does it really take to make...
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30 Tips for 30 Days
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Boarding the Vista Train
Congratulations—you’ve decided to switch to Windows Vista, Microsoft’s newest version of Windows. Or maybe you haven’t quite decided yet. Either way, we’re here to help you through the next 30 days.
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