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Our Working After Baby Experts

Nataly Kogan

Nataly Kogan

Co-founder/CEO of an online community for working moms called...

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Janet Chan

Janet Chan

Editor-in-chief of Parenting magazine and editorial director...

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Nancy Collamer

Nancy Collamer

Career transitions expert, jobs and moms pro for Oxygen Media...

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Working After Baby

How to be Super (Working) Mom

You have exactly 62 minutes to get to work for your weekly meeting. As you make your way out the door, your three-month-old bundle of joy is crying to be fed—again. And, of course, you’ve forgotten to pack the diaper bag. Sometimes being a new mother and a cog in the corporate machine can instigate a full-on identity crisis.

More than half of the 80.5 million moms in America return to work within four months of giving birth to their first child, according to the latest statistics issued by the U.S. Census Bureau. The first 30 days of returning to work after having a baby... Read more of "How to be Super (Working) Mom"»

30 Tips for 30 Days

Our very best advice for you!

Working Girl... With a Baby

Working Girl... With a Baby

You're being asked to choose between your baby and your career. (Not really, but that's what going back to work feels like to many new mothers.)

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Take Your Baby to Work Day

Take Your Baby to Work Day

Blackberry? Check. Briefcase? Check. Diapers? Check.

The Babymomma's Club

The Babymomma's Club

Why finding other working moms to bond with is key to your...
