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Our Being a New Dad Experts

Dr. T. Berry Brazelton

Dr. T. Berry Brazelton

Founder of the Child Development Unit at Children’s Hospital...

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Armin A. Brott

Armin A. Brott

Parenting expert, author, and weekly radio show host

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Dr. Jerrold Lee Shapiro

Dr. Jerrold Lee Shapiro

Clinical psychologist and professor of counseling psychology...

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Being a New Dad

You're the Dad Now

Although a man learns what it means to be a dad from his own father, it’s not until the birth of his baby that he starts the most important journey of his lifetime—building a relationship with his new son or daughter.

To many men this time is a rollercoaster of emotions—new fathers experience an overabundance of joy, frustration, love, fear and hope, especially during the first 30 days. That first month is something that will be like nothing most men have ever experienced. Even if they read all the books and get advice from other fathers, most new dads are still... Read more of "You're the Dad Now"»

30 Tips for 30 Days

Our very best advice for you!

Being a New Dad

Being a New Dad

Congratulations! Your new baby has arrived, the cigars have been passed out and numerous pictures have been taken. Now what?

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

To Co-Sleep, No Chance to Dream

To Co-Sleep, No Chance to Dream...

Is baby in bed with you a good idea?

Getting Over OTCs

Getting Over OTCs

Drug companies admit that children under 6 should not be taking...
