"Ever since I subscribed to your site the daily reminders are the only thing I read apart from email and the NY Times headlines and weather. I am hugely critical of most self-help information, but this is not what your site is. I save 1 in 2 of these and have kept a library folder. They are intelligent, concise, relevant and are pitched at exactly the right level." -Martin Chalk, CEO, Balance Water
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Our Surviving a Natural Disaster Experts

Cody Lundin

Cody Lundin

Survival expert and author of When All Hell Breaks Loose

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Dr. William  Waugh Jr.

Dr. William Waugh Jr.

Professor of public administration and urban studies at Georgia...

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James Lee Witt

James Lee Witt

Former FEMA director and author of Stronger in the Broken...

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Surviving a Natural Disaster

Weathering the Storm

Since 2004, more than one billion people around the world have lost their homes, businesses, family members or lives to natural disasters. That’s one in six. As of this writing, tornadoes recently destroyed entire towns in the Midwest, there’s historic Mississippi River flooding, more 1000 wildfires are raging in Northern California and major earthquakes have devastated huge portions of Asia.

Natural disasters can happen anywhere, and they often come out of the blue. But proactive preparedness and a clearheaded response will help mitigate the negative effects... Read more of "Weathering the Storm"»

30 Tips for 30 Days

Our very best advice for you!

What A Difference A Day Makes

What A Difference A Day Makes

This is an important new beginning, whether you're preparing or cleaning up after a natural disaster.

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

An Open-and-Shut Case?

An Open-and-Shut Case?

And it's easier to use a door than break through the wall.

Survival 101

Survival 101

It takes brains, not brawn to survive a natural disaster.
