The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!
Four-Legged and Fabulous

Now that you've adopted a pet, you'll want to want to supply your cutie with fabulous accesories. We are suckers for adorable dog and cat accessories and today we are sharing some adorable finds to those peace loving pet owners out there! Forget the lame pink raincoat for your Fido—how about peace and love charms for their collars? If you don't like them but still want to stick with the peace sign theme why not a peace sign bed?
If peace signs aren't your thing and your dog is a little bit of a terror, try one of Wooflinks devil muscle tees. They're a far cry from the preppy pink and yellow argyle sweater you might see on the little nipper down the block.
Let us know what you like to see your pets in, or let us know if you think that clothes on animals is a waste of time, and money.