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Our Adopting a Pet Experts

Diana L. Guerrero

Diana L. Guerrero

Animal behaviorist and author of Blessing of the Animals...

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Dr. Robyn Jaynes

Dr. Robyn Jaynes

Pet care expert for PetSmart

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Warren Eckstein

Warren Eckstein

Pet trainer and author of Pet Aerobics

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!


If you’ve ever wished you had a furry companion to curl up with on the weekend, or wanted an excuse to go to the dog run to meet that cute dog owner with the Labrador, here’s your chance.

Urbanites too busy—or living in apartments too small—to have a pet can join Flexpetz and befriend a dog that’s been rescued from an animal shelter. A monthly membership gets you four one-day rentals, accessories (food, leash) included. Current and planned locations include Los Angeles, New York, Boston, London, San Francisco and Washington D.C.

If you’re thinking of adopting a pet this could be a good way to test the waters. And if you happen to love your part-time companion? Flexpetz dogs can be adopted. [New York Times]


Posted: 3/31/08