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Diana L. Guerrero

Diana L. Guerrero

Animal behaviorist and author of Blessing of the Animals...

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Dr. Robyn Jaynes

Dr. Robyn Jaynes

Pet care expert for PetSmart

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Warren Eckstein

Warren Eckstein

Pet trainer and author of Pet Aerobics

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Stress Pets

Stress Pets

Think you’re the only one worried about the economy?  Think again.

Most of us are feeling the stress caused by the current economy and upcoming election.  And we’re not the only ones: researchers have found that when humans get stressed, their pets will often take on that stress, too.

Dogs and cats are very good at picking up stress in people, as are birds. After all, they're smart animals! They know what's up.

 And how do they deal with stress?  The same way many of us do—by seeking out 'comfort foods' that are high in fat and sugar.  So now you know you know why Fido has been begging for more treats or table scraps over the past few weeks!
Research also finds that the stress our pets feel is nothing compared to what we humans go through on a daily basis (big surprise).  After all, we’re the ones that have to go to work and pay the bills, while our pets generally lie around all day, waiting for us to come home and rub their bellies.

Maybe try giving your pet a little extra love when you come home today, and take comfort in the sweet friend who loves you, no matter what!

Posted: 10/21/08

Pets, especially cats and dogs, are great for reducing stress and, consequently, lowering blood pressure.


My dog is very sensitive to stress. He picks up and plays off of other people's energy, so this does not surprise me.