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Question:Have you ever owned a pet rabbit?

Did it live inside or outdoors? How did you care for it? How long do pet rabbits live?

Asked by VictoriaB on 3/21/08 4 Answers»


My sister and I had two rabbits when we were younger and they were the best pets ever! We kept whiskers outside, but over the years I've met people with indoor rabbits. One of them was even potty trained!

Answered by: runnindownadream on 11/19/08


My youngest son had several rabbits (not all at the same time). They were housed outside on the back of the carport, with a view of the backyard and trees. Rabbits make good pets, indoors or out, and can be liter trained just like kitties! They like to be stroked, talked to, and cuddled -- but not too much cuddling! They are visually and verbally expressive, and if alarmed, they thump!!

Answered by: lilliede81 on 11/3/08


I owned a pet rabbit named thumper and he lived in a homemade cage outside that was attached to our house. He was easy to take care of and provided hours of fun for my kids. He lived for 5 years.

Answered by: falczuk on 4/2/08


someone gave me a rabbit when I was in highschool. like any pet -- it was a lot harder to care for then you think. I kept Peter (what else do you name a pet rabbit) indoors, but I think he would have preferred to be outside.

Answered by: Ashley_Rutledge on 4/1/08
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