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Question:What pets are good to have if you have allergies? Besides a fish!

I am allergic to cats and dogs, but really want to have a pet. Any suggestions?

Asked by C_Wachten on 4/22/08 4 Answers»


I've heard that a Bichon Frise is a good dog b/c they don't shed, although allergic reactions can vary.

Answered by: ChangeHero on 9/17/08


How about a Devinshire Rex. These cats have little or no "coverage" & their skin feels like a mix of satin & velvet. Had a friend with asthma, who was allergic to dog & cat dander. Worked for her. Good luck in your search!

Answered by: lilliede81 on 6/25/08


If you have allergies to animal fur (or dander) look for a dog that has hair instead of fur. My family has a shih tzu, which has hair. Also, find out whether it's dogs, cats, or both that you are allergic to. I find that I am fine around dogs, but cat dander really bothers me. As suggested before, birds can also be great companions-but often some of the more talkative are one-person birds, so make sure you do your research on the breed!

Answered by: heathu21 on 5/23/08


Are you allergic to ALL dogs, or just the shedding? If that's the case (like it is with me) there are several breeds of dog that don't shed. My dogs, White West Highland Terriers are good... Cairn Terriers and poodles actually don't have fur, they have hair like humans, eliminating the shedding problem as well. There are actually hypoallergenic pets if you look for them!
If it's all dogs and cats that you are allergic to, what about a bird? I used to have one and he spoke in sentences and called me from down the hall! :o)

Answered by: maggie on 5/22/08
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