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Diana L. Guerrero

Diana L. Guerrero

Animal behaviorist and author of Blessing of the Animals...

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Dr. Robyn Jaynes

Dr. Robyn Jaynes

Pet care expert for PetSmart

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Warren Eckstein

Warren Eckstein

Pet trainer and author of Pet Aerobics

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Got A Tip?


It's Me or the Dog


If you have a dog that could use some training, you have to watch the Animal Planet "It's Me or the Dog." It's an awesome show from England where the trainer, Victoria Stillwell, teaches some really simple training techniques that can easily be adapted to your dog. I don't even have a dog (though I'm desperately close to adopting one soon) and I feel like with this show I would be able to nip any problems in the bud.

The biggest points I learned from the show is:
* Ignore bad behavior (i.e. if the dog is jumping and barking, don't recoil in fear but walk past and ignore), and reward good behavior with treats.
* You must always act as boss and your dog's protector. It will make them feel more secure.
* Anything can be learned with a little chicken treat.
* You can't baby your dog, i.e. dress it up, hold it like a baby. It's the worst thing you can do.
* When training, use lower pitched commands. Save higher pitched commands for praise.

Shared by LMAYO9 on 9/26/08