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Our Being a New Dad Experts

Dr. T. Berry Brazelton

Dr. T. Berry Brazelton

Founder of the Child Development Unit at Children’s Hospital...

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Armin A. Brott

Armin A. Brott

Parenting expert, author, and weekly radio show host

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Dr. Jerrold Lee Shapiro

Dr. Jerrold Lee Shapiro

Clinical psychologist and professor of counseling psychology...

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Mama’s Workin’

By month seven your wife may want to melt onto your couch into what will hopefully be a comfortable heap, and not move until the big day, but she probably has a job to attend. Rats. On the bright side, her growing belly and swelling body parts don't have to be a recipe for ultimate discomfort. Canadianliving.com says you can work comfortably while pregnant. See how you can help lighten her load. (You're a shoe-in for New Dad of the Year, if you do).

Posted: 1/24/08