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Dr. T. Berry Brazelton

Dr. T. Berry Brazelton

Founder of the Child Development Unit at Children’s Hospital...

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Armin A. Brott

Armin A. Brott

Parenting expert, author, and weekly radio show host

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Dr. Jerrold Lee Shapiro

Clinical psychologist and professor of counseling psychology...

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Question:As a dad, did you want a boy baby?

We naturally assume dads want boys to play with, but I'm sure they're just as happy with their little girls.

Asked by Changeling on 4/30/08 1 Answer»


You betcha. I've got a family of four daughters and it's been a great experience. Especially because I've always been really into sports, everyone expects that I'm disappointed having no sons. But there's a lot to learn from daughters and in today's world there are really no 'his' and 'hers' activities - girls can engage the world any way they want. That means there are no boundaries on what being the father to a daughter means. Our generation is very lucky that way - the stereotypical roles no longer apply.

Answered by: steveh on 5/1/08
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