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A Little Night Trickery

When you're a new mom, sleep is something you strive for on a daily basis, and something you don't often get, so whenever someone puts some tips out there on how to snag more sleep, and how to parent so that your kids will finally, blissfully pass out, we are eager to gobble it up.
The good fairies at Strollerderby have a list of seven ways to get your kid to sleep. Taking your kids to the park was the first bit of advice, and probably the best since it's summer and parks and pools are a fantastic, free way to give your kids fresh air and exercise. After a day of running around a good nights sleep is sure to follow. Creating a soothing environment and sticking to the routine are other pieces of advice we also stand by. These may not be rocket-science but any tips you can score as a new mom are a blessing, right?
A baby's sleep cycle is quite different from ours, and sleeping in two or three hour chunks is pretty normal. Don't worry though, your time will come! Until then, nap when your baby does.