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Elizabeth Irvine

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A Long Nap

New moms today don’t have it easy. There’s the expectation to do it all—work, raise a family and still have time for personal pursuits. Little regard is given to the moms who do choose to stay home and parent, a full-time job that’s often harder than going to the office.

Meg Wolitzer’s new book, “The Ten Year Nap,” offers some insight into a powerful issue in the post-feminist era (if you think staying home isn’t trailblazing, think again!) More than a novel, the book offers a window into the phenomenon of the opt-out generation. These are educated, professional parents who choose willingly to forego or leave a career in order to stay home and ostensibly “do nothing” but shuttle kids to school, soccer practice and birthday parties.

Is opt-out a good term for working moms who choose a different kind of job? What’s your take? [NPR]


Posted: 3/25/08