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Elizabeth Irvine

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Baby's Got a Brand New Blog

Baby's Got a Brand New Blog

Remember pulling your baby book out of the hope chest, fading photos spilling everywhere? How did our parents ever keep track of all the memories? Today, everybody and their dog (literally) has their own web site. So why not let your bundle of joy have their own share of cyberspace?

“I’ve really put on weight these past few weeks.” “I went to visit Grandma and Grandpa yesterday.” “I was cranky when mommy was taking this photo.” These are the kinds of baby tales you may find on Babababies, Totsites and Baby Jellybeans, three sites that exclusively host personal pages of babies. You can upload pictures, videos and write blogs for your little one from their point of view. Of course, if your baby can write his own blog, he's a genius who deserves his own page!

Many moms are using this as a handy way to share pictures and progress of the baby to relatives and friends. If you've gone back to work after baby, you can use the site to stay connected to home (just don't let your boss catch you surfing!) You might even choose to take pictures of your belly during the course of your pregnancy to show baby’s evolution from the very beginning.

Let us know how you're keeping your memories secure—are you an old-fashioned scrapbooker or a tech-savvy photo uploader?

Posted: 5/13/08