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Elizabeth Irvine

Elizabeth Irvine

Nurse, mother of three, award-winning author and media spokesperson...

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Paula Statman

Paula Statman

Internationally respected educator, speaker and award-winning...

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Loren Slocum

Loren Slocum

Mother of three, author, businesswoman, international speaker...

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Dirty Little Secrets

Being a new mom  is bliss, isn’t it? Holding your contented child in your arms, playing hours of educational games and going to the park, the pool and the mall with a perfectly behaved baby on your hip.

C’mon. Get real! We all know how stressful, frustrating and downright unrealistic it is to try and live up to the Supermom standard. It’s so difficult, in fact, that moms are developing some pretty original coping mechanisms to deal with the stress. Authors Tricia Ashworth and Amy Nobile have taken the best of the best stories of dealing with the daily grind of family and put them in to a new “tell-all” entitled Dirty Little Secrets of Otherwise Perfect Moms. The stories in it will make you laugh and nod in sympathy.

Do you have a “latte name,” and pretend to be someone else entirely as you order your coffee? Have you found yourself just sitting in the garage in your car for an extra five minutes before you go inside and relieve the sitter? What are your coping mechanisms as a new mom?

[The Today Show]

Posted: 3/19/08