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DIY Baby Food

DIY Baby Food

When you're a new mom, quick, easy solutions are usually the best ones. It's why most of us use disposable diapers instead of cloth; when we head to the food market we grab ready-made baby food (organic, of course). But what about making your own? Maybe you thought only granola-hippie types made their own baby food, but it's becoming a trend and for good reasons!

First, it's cheaper: baby food runs about a dollar a jar and that's for one feeding...it may not seem like a lot but it adds up! Buying a blender, and produce and meats on weekly basis will be more cost efficient in the long run, and you know your baby will be getting fresh goods. According to reports, so called reputable baby food companies are stiffing our kids by using thickeners, and watering down products...not to mention the chemicals and high sugar content that can be found in jarred food! If you make your own food YOU are controlling what goes into your little one's body.

So, it's cost efficient, and more healthy, but it still takes time that you don't have. But trust us...once you get the hang of it it's easy! If you blend up a load of avocado you can freeze what you have left in ice cube trays—one thawed cube is the perfect serving size for an infant. Knowing that you made what's going into your child's tummy is also very gratifying.

Go here to check out what equipment you will need, and how to get started, and once you feel ready to experiment check out some great recipes! Our favorite is the apple pumpkin puree. Sounds better than mac and cheese from the jar, right?

Comment on your experience and recipes for making baby food here or participate in a discussion in the community.

Posted: 6/26/08