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Angelina Jolie "Breastfeeding" on the Cover of W

Angelina Jolie "Breastfeeding" on the Cover of W

Breasts. Half the world has them, and the other half certainly doesn't seem to mind looking at them—so why is breastfeeding still such a taboo? Breast milk is key to providing nutrients in the first few days of a child's life, and breast milk is full of vitamins and minerals your little one needs to keep healthy.

Busy new mom Angelina Jolie apparently does it, and doesn't mind being snapped by partner Brad Pitt while she does. The image is now on the cover of W magazine's "art issue." It is not a sexualized shot, in fact, you can't see a breast and the only indication there's a baby in the shot is a tiny hand poking up.

Yet it's newsworthy. We're supposing this is for two reasons: One, the words "breast" and "Angelina" are always big sellers. Two, breastfeeding has always been a hot issue...if not the actual act, then seeing someone do it publicly.

So here we are, talking about it too. Tell us your take. Have you seen the cover? What are your thoughts?

Posted: 10/10/08

I haven't seen the cover, but I just don't understand why breastfeeding is such a hot topic. Every woman I've ever seen breastfeeding in public has always been as discreet about it as possible. If people are uncomfortable with it, that's their problem.


I've seen the cover and I think it's a beautiful shot. There really isn't anything scandalous about it, and I thought the tiny hand poking up was actually very cute.


I'm a new Mom and I have chosen to breastfeed. When and where I breastfeed is exclusively dictated by when and where my baby is hungry. Period. A woman should feel as free to feed her child by breast as a by bottle. This is not only my personal viewpoint, it is a legally protected right in most states.

The above examples are ridiculous. OPERA: Who is going to take their baby to the opera? WHILE DRIVING: The only appropriate place for a small child in a car, is in the car seat. WORK: Regarding the "at your desk" place... why not? If you do have your small child with you, why wouldn't you feed them if they were hungry, at your desk?

I strongly believe that BF-ing women should make an extra effort to breastfeed in public. People need to get over their "iffy" feelings regarding this subject.

I have fed my baby on airplanes, at restaurant tables, in parks, at Disney World, in stores, and at my desk. I've never had so much as a cross word from anyone. I'm certainly not going to let my baby go hungry so that complete strangers can feel more comfortable.

  • By newmom
  • on 7/11/08 3:28 PM EST

A good number of my friends have breastfed in front of me (covered and uncovered) and I'm not uncomfortable with it. I do think there are some places where it's better to find a quiet, private space, however, like those mentioned above :)

  • By Kiki76
  • on 7/11/08 3:01 PM EST