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Grandma Gives Birth to Triplets

Jaci Dalenberg’s daughter is going to have a hard time shopping for her mom this holiday season. After all, what do you get the woman who gave birth to your triplet daughters?!
The 56-year-old woman from Wooster, Ohio carried the babies as a surrogate for her daughter, Kim. Kim and her husband were unable to conceive on their own, so Jaci volunteered to be impregnated with the couple’s embryos using in vitro fertilization.
The two identical twins and their sister were more than two months premature, each weighing less than three pounds. But the hospital says the newborns and grandma are doing well. Talk about a labor of love!
If a loved one asked you to be a surrogate, would you do it? Sound off below.
As long as it seemed like a healthy thing to do at that point in my life, then absolutely! For example, my sister wants children so bad, and if something kept her from doing that (God forbid), then I don't know how I could keep myself from stepping in to help.
Hmmm, that would require a lot of serious consideration. On instinct, I would say yes, but I would need more information about what all is involved with being a surrogate mother.
Having triplets must really take a lot out of your body ...
I was asked to be a surrogate for a couple whom I'm close with. I considered it for six months before ultimately deciding it would be too difficult in many ways—I commend any family who can make that kind of decision.
I have to say, though, I'm not sure I'd want my mom to have my kids. There might be too much closeness there.