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Elizabeth Irvine

Elizabeth Irvine

Nurse, mother of three, award-winning author and media spokesperson...

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Paula Statman

Paula Statman

Internationally respected educator, speaker and award-winning...

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Loren Slocum

Loren Slocum

Mother of three, author, businesswoman, international speaker...

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Moms Need Help, Too!

Moms Need Help, Too!

America doesn't always seem like a baby friendly country. Have you ever tried to maneuverer a stroller through Baby Gap? It's a tiny store, with tiny onesie filled aisles that no new mom who wants to keep her sanity will go in with an infant, or toddler. Forget the grocery store; if you're trying to decide what flavor ice cream to get while your little one decides to see just how loud he can be, you'll probably get dirty looks that have "why can't you shut your kid up" written all over them.


When we read this blog about one woman trying to make her way through an airport with an infant, toddler, stroller, and a slew of other supplies with no help, and dirty looks from patrons, we weren't surprised. Instead of being helpful, most people today will just appear annoyed that you've distrupted their very important day with a child. Fortunately a kind baggage handler saw her dilemma and took swift action in helping her get settled on the plane. We understand her frustration at traveling alone with two small children (some of us can barely get ourselves through airport security.)

Being a mom is a challenging experience, but it does help to well, have help! Share with us your experiences being a mom-in-need and getting stink-eye from passersby, or share your positive experiences getting help in unexpected places!


Posted: 7/16/08