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Elizabeth Irvine

Elizabeth Irvine

Nurse, mother of three, award-winning author and media spokesperson...

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Paula Statman

Paula Statman

Internationally respected educator, speaker and award-winning...

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Loren Slocum

Mother of three, author, businesswoman, international speaker...

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Still Growing

Still Growing

With all the talk about child obesity in the US, we know tons of new moms who are watching everything that goes into their child's mouth very carefully. So when we saw the photos of this eleven-month-old baby, we were quite shocked.

The child weighs 62 pounds, the average size of an eight year old (babies at nearly a year are only about 15 pounds.) Doctors think he may have an endocrine problem. We hope they figure it out soon—as we all know, overweight kids are prone to numerous health problems, including diabetes.

As a parent, how important is diet and nutrition to you when it comes to your kids? How are you instilling healthy habits?


Posted: 8/31/08