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Wanna Ride?

Admit it—before you were a new mom, you might have made fun of the parent with the giant mini-van/SUV/kid-toting, gas-guzzling vehicle. But now you're one of them, because kids come with a lot of stuff, car seats don't fit in a Miata and well, darn it, all those amenities are kind of cool.
So now that you're in the club, be sure you're driving safely. It's been reported that the majority of accidents on the road involve parents and kids, so MSNBC has published a list of the seven biggest driving mistakes moms make , and we thought we'd remind you of a few things not to do with kids in tow.
The number-one mistake is chatting on a cell phone while driving. We have a feeling moms aren't the only ones guilty of this, and many states are banning cell phone use while driving. Another is driving while drowsy. Um, hello? With moms drinking coffee and Redbull to get through the day on five or six hours of sleep, how are they not supposed to drive while sleepy? The advice to get "seven or nine" hours of sleep is pretty comical to us...unless MSNBC plans on hiring night-time nannies for all the mothers of the world. We wish! Still, if you're feeling super-sleepy, get your partner to run errands or wait until tomorrow.
We won't give you any more spoilers, but check out the article, and let us know what you think. Are the reasons legit? Should they be geared towards the general public and not just the moms of the world? After all, there are lots of bad drivers out there. Share your thoughts!
Oh no! I'm guilty of driving overconfident! Looks like I better tame that habit before I decide to have babies... in 10 to 15 years.
As a child, my mom was guilty of driving while drowsy. She worked the graveyard shift as a nurse, attended school part-time, cooked, cleaned, and drove me to all my extracurricular activites--I had a lot. I mean, A LOT. IIII barely got sleep, so I'm not surprised that my mom fell asleep once or twice at a red light.