The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!
Wanted: Supernanny

When Rebecca Land Soodak, a NYC mother of four, decided to search for a live-in nanny on craigslist, she wasn’t going to pull any punches. In fact, she was surprisingly honest, posting a 1,000 word ad that started with the line: “My kids are a pain.”
But that was just the beginning of her entertaining request. Some other fun excerpts from the listing include:
"If you cannot multitask, or communicate without being passive aggressive, don't even bother replying."
“If you are fundamentally unhappy with your life, you will be more unhappy if you take this job, so do us all a favor and get some treatment or move to the Rockies, but do not apply for employment with us.”
“I have all sorts of theories on how to stack my dishwasher, and if you are judgmental about Ritalin for ADHD, or think such things are caused by too much sugar, again, deal-break city.”
And finally: “I can be a tad difficult to work for. I'm loud, pushy and while I used to think we paid well, I am no longer sure.”
Believe it or not, Soodak, a 40-year-old painter, did find one brave soul to take over childcare duties. Christina Wynn, a 25-year-old University of Virginia graduate, has committed to staying the position for at least a year. We wish her the best!
What do you think of this mom’s ad—too much information or was she right to be so honest? Sound off below!
Wow, yeah, better to be honest. I used to be a nanny and I feel lucky to have never had kids that were too difficult. But this sounds like a case of having a difficult parent in addition!
"...I used to think we paid well..." compared to what? The nation's most valuable resource, it's children, during the most impressionable years, are nurtured and protected, comforted and directed, by devoted souls who seem to be valued, paywise, slightly above the food service and housekeeping industries.
I love this! Better to be up front about the situation than candy coat it. I wish more people would be this honest—at least this woman who applied knows exactly what she is dealing with!