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Getting more help - Suggestions?
My son is 6 months old. He has had quite a few medical issues. And for that fact so have I. Is there any way to ask someone for help because you feel like you are about to break without telling them the whole story about why you need the help so bad?
I have told my husband and my sister-in-law and they just don't seem to get it.
Everyone's suggestions are excellent. I feel that if your husband just doesn't get it, maybe you can try counseling (on your own and with him). It will help you to speak to a third party, and he/she might be able to help you explain what you are going through to your husband.
Dear CesPoet,
In your profile, you say your mom is your favorite person. Would she be able to take care of your son while you do something fun and/or relaxing for yourself?
Because your husband does not seem to get it, perhaps you have to be more specific. Men are more comfortable when you are specific about your needs.
Periodically say to him, "Honey, on Saturday, i am going to take a day for myself. I need a break from all of my responsibilities or i am seriously going to lose it. I will leave the baby with you and i know you will take excellent care of him. Feel free to get help from your sister if you think you need it. I know that you are a loving and understanding man and i know that you will do this for me."
I hope he comes through for you.
Prayer is always good, but God also gives us the brains to work out solutions for ourselves that help us develope the potential He gave us.
Remember, you are special and you need to treat yourself as the precious child God sees in you!
The suggestions below are excellent... I will put you on my prayer list. I will pray that you will first find the strength to ask for help and then you will find it. You took the first step, realizing that you needed the help and then reaching out here, on this site, asking for help to find help. That's a great start!!
I've heard people say that it's hard to talk to your family, friends, etc. because they can't be objective. If you can find a social worker or therapist that would be ideal. You can even go to a local church or temple and speak with a priest or rabbi. These are people who are trained to listen.
Even sometimes writing in a diary can be helpful ... just getting the thoughts and feelings out in some way is therapeutic.