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Always an Optimist?

Always an Optimist?

No one is born happy, even if you do have those always-cheery people in your life. Happiness is acquired and optimism is something that can be learned as well. CNN’s Oprah.com page shows you simple ways to act like an optimist everyday.
Smiles are contagious, so we should spread them like crazy! Facial expressions are one of the best, most efficient forms of non-verbal communication, but beware—this means frowns can produce the opposite (negative) effect. The brain actually recognizes sad feelings and makes these corresponding faces, so try with all your might to psych it out.
Where the idea of optimism gets a little too saccharine is when you start putting a positive spin on everything, without realizing that, well, sometimes life is less than great. It’s important to alter your perspective in these cases, remembering that there’s probably someone out there who is worse off and that with time and action, you can get back to a happier spot.

How do you bring out the optimist in yourself when feeling down? [CNN]

Posted: 6/26/08

Hi Everybody!

The optimist always comes out bringing a "down" to an"up,Up,UP,"doing something
thoughtful for somebody else, i. e. giving a man with a "HOMELESS & HUNGRY, will work for Food" sign some money, or a McDonald's meal; buying a rose for a lonely,down woman, bringing a special card for my best friend.

Exercise, walk, dance helps. Meditation works. Deep breathing is good to help raise spirits.