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Happiness Quickies

Happiness Quickies

It’s smart to have a long-term happiness goal, but it’s important to find ways that you can be happier in the short-term, in as few as 30 minutes. Even if you don’t consider it a achievement of total happiness, discovering activities that can boost your mood when you’re feeling down will do wonders for your life.

Real Simple outlines nine suggestions to be happier within 30 minutes, and two of them revolve around boosting your physical activity. Get outside and take a walk! Pace around the room even if you are on the phone. You will be amazed what a little exercise will do for your piece of mind.

Now, about that mind, is there something you have been meaning to learn? What about something you have been meaning to do? Maybe you have always wanted to learn Italian, or you should email that friend you’ve been out of touch with, or you should finally just make that dentist appointment already. Conquer the things that have been put on the back burner and you will end up feeling more refreshed.

Here's one quick way you can be happier—share your ideas for happiness in our community. [Real Simple]

Posted: 6/11/08