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Michael Anthony

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Tim Ferriss

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Happy Elephant Feet

Everyone needs some time to play around and be happy—even elephants. Take this amazing video from National Geographic’s “Wild Chronicles” show.

Six elephants were caught playing in a watering hole in Botswana—a rare event that's even rarer to be caught on tape. If you notice in the footage, the elephants are not only playing around with each other, but they seem to have a good time just splashing about by themselves. How cute is that! Clearly, these elephants are having a great time.

What can you learn from this video? Well, it appears that happiness is a feeling that is not exclusive to humans—it’s an important element to all species of life. And whether you find it playing a pool, reading about your favorite sports team or talking to a loved one, you should find time every day to nurture your happiness.

How are you going to play around today? [Nationalgeographic.com]

Posted: 5/5/08