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Mark It with a Milestone

We’ve all heard of the proverbial mid-life crisis and most of us have probably freaked out on account of a milestone birthday (Remember your freakout around 30? Just wait until 40 or 50.). Even though these times may fill us with dread, sometimes they prompt us to take action and make changes in our lives. This can be scary, yes, but you’ll find a lot of positives can result.
Gretchen Rubin of The Happiness Project uses her wedding anniversary to be thankful for the husband she has. Although he may be cause for complaint at times, the anniversary date reminds her not to take him for granted. The same goes when it’s one of her children’s birthdays. These days are not just about celebrating occasions, but they’re for celebrating people!
Think about important dates or milestones in your own life and how they may prompt you into doing something. Do you tend to associate more negative thoughts with particular days like your birthday? What is the next milestone you’re looking forward to?
A milestone can be looked on as negative, . . . or positive. Our experience strengthens us, softens us, opens us, deepens us, if we allow it. The milestone I anticipate is when my divorce is final -- very close to my birthday!
Do I intend to celebrate? You bet! Invitations to all!
"Come celebrate,
The divorce is final!!
I'M 70 & FREE!!!"
Birthdays were fun when you needed to be older for something like driving a car or going to a bar (don't do those together).