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Seek Out Happiness

Social scientists keep reaching the same conclusion: this generation is significantly unhappier than those that came before it. Compared to our grandparents, everyday life is much easier, more entertaining (iPod and Rock Band anyone?) and far more prosperous. So what are we overlooking that leaves us so unhappy? What is the missing link?
Researchers call the endless chase of wealth and material goods the “hedonic treadmill.” Chasing after that new dress or state-of-the-art television will eat up time and energy that you could be spending on more worthwhile activities or people. Further research shows that a lot of happiness is derived from time spent with family and loved ones. Building upon that idea, being involved in some kind of community is also very fulfilling.
The Huffington Post offers up seven ways to happier living, including some of those mentioned above. If you had to pick three of our own, what would they be?
Three ways to live happier!
The 3 that seem to come up most for me are
1. An "attitude of gratitude" -- being thankful and appreciative for what we have, can do, receive.
2. Volunteer/offer -- help those who need it. Some- times all that is needed is a listening ear.
3. "It's not what happens to you that counts, it's your response to it." -- maintain a positive outlook, & it makes it easier.