The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!
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Tell Me You Love Me

Every day, we get emails from our members. Many of them let us know how they found the site, why they enjoy it and what keeps them coming back. Some recommend new life changes we should explore (among the more interesting: roller derby, improving your grammar) and others wish we would do things a little differently (such as remind you that when you sign up for 12 changes, you'll be getting 12 changes worth of email tips for the next 30 days! Moderation, people. Moderation.)
We really do read each and every one of your emails, and we take your feedback to heart. Some of you make us laugh out loud, some make us cry—but each one touches us very deeply and is a great reminder that doing what you love is the only way to be happier. So without gushing too profusely, here's some of what has resonated with us lately:
What a great site! Although I love the categorization of different kinds of changes, it may be that some people may wish to view certain elements of the site-like Sharing Wisdoms or asking or answering questions-across all categories. It would be nice, anyway, to have that option and not be limited in how they're viewed. Just a thought...K.V.
K.V., thanks for the feedback! We're glad you like the wisdoms and Q&A—letting people communicate directly with one another is part of what we think makes our site unique—and allowing people to talk to those going through their same change is very powerful. You can view a sampling of questions from across categories via the homepage—the most recent queries will show up there each day.
As a woman who knows that The Question will be popped in the next few months, the page you have on marriage proposals is very good. However, there is no way that my future fiance will ever find it, as this is definitely a "woman's site," and he'd never go near it. Likewise, it is not my place to send him here or not-so-innocently leave a print-out with him. Do you export/share info about all of your topics with other and other more male-oriented sites? M.H.
M.H., the not-so-innocent print out always works for us! But if you want to go about it in a round about way, you can definitely direct your soon-to-be-fiance to any of our recent press that you think may help. And yes, you'll see us in some major men's publications at the end of the year—because change is universal, whether you're a man or a woman, and everyone could use a little push when it comes to flexing their change muscle! Congrats on your impending engagement...let us know when you're ready for the first 30 days of Planning a Wedding!
WOW—your website seems like it's speaking to me, I haven't talked to anyone about the change I am feeling and I don't have any close friends...I want to share this feeling with others and offer my mind and hands out to others, your website seemed to scream for me to read all about you and what you offer others. Thank you—you may have saved me from a very lonely life. S.G.
Your website has saved my life. I am currently going through the healing process from depression. I have suffered with depression for many years now. I am now seeking professional help without being ashamed. I will continue to come to your website and support as well as gain information I need in this time. I will recommend your website to many. C.W.
I am new to this site! I am happy to read some of the comments and see that I am not alone in my feelings. I need to get motivated...I am at my heaviest weight ever, but I'm determined to make the necessary changes once and for all. I thank God and you for this article. I really feel I am on the right track now. T.
S.G., C.W., T. and the countless others who have sent us your stories of hope and success—thank you for having the courage to change, and the courage to share it with us and with others. Keep it up, and let us all know how you're doing!
Now, it's your turn! Let us know what you like, what you'd change, or just what's on your mind. We'll be making some changes of our own, too. Stay tuned!
I found this site about 2-3 months ago. One of the articles appeared on an email, & curious, I went to the website to check it out.
Why do I keep coming back?
My main focus is to let go of what no longer serves me, and reach my highest potential. To have the support of others really helps in the process of change & the tips & helps make things so much easier.
Consider the effect this site & the support here is having on raising the energy level of all who are here. Also, think about what is happening with the energy of the whole planet!
THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE!! If it weren't for y'all, the changes that I'm working on would be taking a lot longer & be more laborious.
As for suggestions: Keep Doing What You're Doing . . . .YOU'RE DOING GREAT!!
Definitely a "women's site"????? OK, since M.H. brought it up, and you published it, how does it shake out, M/F membership %s?
You guys are amazing...I'm glad I got to read some more of the the non-stop praise that keeps rolling in :o) Keep up the awesome work!