"I wish I had enough words to express what your book has done for me. Thank you over and over. It's like a guidebook to life. When I don't remember how to navigate, or even that I can, it reminds me. What a precious gift."-Deborah
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Michael Anthony

Michael Anthony

Teacher and author of How to be Happy and Have Fun Changing...

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Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss

Entrepreneur and best-selling author of The 4-Hour Workweek

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M.J. Ryan

M.J. Ryan

Creator of the Random Acts of Kindness series

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Change Nation: Dr. Robert Emmons (7/25/08)

Dr. Robert Emmons on Being Happier

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We've all met them: those wonderful individuals who seem to be positive and grateful in any situation no matter what happens. But what you might not know is YOU can be that person! On this episode of Change Nation, Ariane talks with gratitude and positive psychology expert Robert Emmons, Ph.D., author of Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier. Emmons shares with us the secrets of remaining positive, and being grateful for everything life brings us. For more information on Robert Emmons, visit psychology.ucdavis.edu.

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