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Any suggestions on ending the feeling that you are destined to fail?
I agree completely with Imawinner and couldn't have said it better. I, also, had/have an inner voice, & must watch it when things don't go as planned. Even when I give something my best shot, I don't always succeed, but I'd rather be able to say I tried. The next time I WILL get it right, because I'm a WINNER. And that's what it's all about, and YOU, TOO, CAN REPROGRAM THAT LITTLE VOICE. Everytime a negative thought surfaces, say "no, that doesn't serve me, I refuse to listen." Replace it with a positive affirmation something like "I am smart, capable and successful. I am succeeding at ________________________________ (whatever it is that you want to do, be it meeting a new friend, starting & completing a new project, . . . . following your dream).
Louise Hay has written any number of books in which you might be interested. With affirmations,
she made major changes in her life.
Being happier, one of the changes on First30Days,
might be a good place to start. Also, check the experts on this site, see what they have to say.
Google, and see what you can find concerning negative self talk.
If you can manage some one-on-one, or group counseling, you might find the roots of that voice. In the meantime, you take care of you! You fight and fight hard, YOU ARE WORTH WHAT IT TAKES!!