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Question:Has anyone ever been so depressed before that the thought of moving around makes them sick. If so can you share your story with me and how you came out of it.

Asked by soplain on 2/5/09 2 Answers»
Brenda Della Casa



I am so sorry to hear that you're feeling low
and it is important that you understand that
life is a series of high's and low's for everyone, but when depression has taken over
your life, it's essential that you take the
actions necessary to get your life back.

Getting out of bed can be one of the hardest tasks for someone suffering from depression but it is important that you force yourself to get up, get into the shower, get dressed and do things that are proven to help with depression such as seeking out a qualified therapist and getting physical in some way. For some, medication serves helpful, and if that is something you would like to avoid, there are some holistic treatments as well. You might like to discuss these with your doctor.

Laying in bed won't do anything but make you feel more isolated and alone because no one is going to come into that room, pull you out of bed and cure you. This is something you are going to have to do for yourself. Reach out to a therapist in your area and ask them if they have a sliding scale or check and see if your insurance will cover some of the cost, if you are worried about finances. Call local support groups, if applicable and talk to your doctor about possible treatments.

You can get through this and you will, but you have to love and honor yourself enough to force yourself to make the healthier choices. You have to choose to take the steps. No one can walk for you.

Good Luck!

Brenda Della Casa
Author, Cinderella Was a Liar

Answered by: Brenda Della Casa on 6/19/09


I was hoping for some answers too.. Both my parents died from accidential drowing in August 2008 and I am currently going through a divorce that isn't pretty. I just feel so alone and depressed. I have two kids 4 and 2 so I don't have chance to greive and understand how to make my life better

Answered by: lost_unsure on 2/26/09
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