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Michael Anthony

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Question:Do I really have to be happy all the time?

It seems like we live in a culture of happiness, and are constantly told to do what makes us feel good. Is it a balanced life if I'm always "Up?" Is it ever OK to be, if not depressed, just a little down or indifferent?

Asked by Kiki76 on 5/28/08 1 Answer»


I think it's perfectly natural to be sad and even depressed at times. And I don't think that because you are sad or depressed or not happy all the time that something is wrong with you. I agree with your observation that it's a societal thing ... we all want to be happy all the time and we want others to be happy too. I think, though, that it sets up unreasonable expectations.

I think the best advice is to just be who you are, feeling what you're feeling when you feel it without assigning too much thought to it.

Answered by: springshine on 5/28/08
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