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Six Step Guide to Savoring the Now


The latest issue of Psychology Today has an excellent article called "How to Live in the Moment." It really refreshed me, and re-inspired me to get in the habit of meditating daily.
So much of being happier is all about paradoxes. The best way to get to know yourself is to take a step back from yourself.

Shared by LauraLee311 on 11/12/08

I know coulda, woulda and shoulda! I try not to hang out with them too much. They can really be a drag.

I have such a hard time staying in the now. I'm usually thinking about what I have to do next! Thanks for reminding me about Psychology Today. I used to really enjoy that publication for the insight it gave me into what is happening in the old noggin.


I agree, Laura. Sometimes, I think we our own worst enemies. We let all of our negative thoughts -- coulda, woulda, shouldas -- get in the way, and we push ourselves into a fearful state of living. I am guilty of it for sure, but the best thing we can remind ourselves of is how to live in the moment.

Looking forward to reading the article.