Eat chocolate with intention :)
I just happened upon a company that makes chocolates with good vibes infused. What a fun idea! They're called Intentional Chocolate and they donate a percentage of their profits to various international organizations.
They've got a video up that shows some research done to show how food infused with good intentions made people feel better.
Shared by VictoriaB on 11/20/08
Hehe I try to do that when I cook and bake too, especially if it's for someone sick!
This is great news - an indulgence that is good for you and I think Annie has found the one way to improve upon this - remove those calories and fat!
Can they use those good vibes to make it totally fat free and calorie free, but taste just as good?
I've always joked that my mom's recipes taste better when she makes them because she makes them with love...maybe it's true!