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A Birthing Playlist

In the delivery room, perhaps you’d prefer “ooga chaga” to “hee hee hoo.” If you’d rather hear the song “Hooked on a Feeling” than the sound of your own breathing and inner thoughts of pain, fear or frustration, you are not alone.
Music in the delivery room is a great way for women to seek comfort, relaxation, encouragement and motivation during the birthing process. According to an article on , choosing the right music can increase your body’s production of endorphins, nature’s morphine-like pain combatant.
The right song is different for every woman. Music works best when it is a song that means a lot to you because of a certain moment in your life (perhaps your wedding song) or because the lyrics touch you. Also, those songs that make you sing at the top of your lungs alone in your car are great motivators. has some additional information on the use of music during labor, and a touching Youtube video is displayed on their page which shows one woman’s use of music during a home birth. The song, “Little Wonders” by Rob Thomas helped this mother push through at a time when she wanted to just give up.
As a pregnant woman, have you considered using music during labor? Perhaps you’ve already got your iPod ready with a birthing playlist—if not, hit up the iMixes on iTunes for some inspiration (just type "birthing" into the search field to get playlists.) Share with us which songs you’re thinking of including on the soundtrack of your delivery.